Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pin Club Nintendo Free

Royal Dreams - Dreams I dream voices

recording this album was made in the new premises of The Studio Multimedia part on 23 February 2010, is here introduced for the first time voices that lead the work. Achieving this demanded hard work. To get to the selection of texts made several tasks prior to recording. We also find some research on the conceptualization of high quality, in passages of unknown origin, are electrical discharges that driver get some melodic moments, not only to account for the digital environment but also to establish the paradigm on which we judge the artistic depending on sound quality, an emblem of industry standard when it comes to the art trade.

The recording of this album has-been made in the new premises of LA part Multimedia Studio on 23 February 2010, is here Introduced for the first time, Voices That lead the work. Achieving this Demanded hard work. To get to the selection of texts made Several tasks prior to recording. Also we find Some research on the conceptualization of high quality, in passages of Unknown Origin, we find electrical shock point to melodic That driver For a few moments, NOT only to account for the digital environment to ESTABLISH But the paradigm Also on Which we judge Depending on Their artistic creations sound quality, an emblem of industry standard when it comes to trade art.

Dreams Real - I dream voices

Unknown Origin (13:59)

Safe Creative #1003175766695

Violence at 13 (16 : 14)

Safe Creative #1003165763796


Manolo Salomone
Vito Laurino

The Studio Multimedia

Vito contact contact Manolo

Friday, February 19, 2010

Messages To My Best Friend

Royals - New CD! Sunday

started the year Real Dreams begins preparations for the debut performance. As always, the meetings to the preparations, leaving time for carrying out of the recording session is undeniably essential to make, for reasons of giving shape to new ideas. Is in preparation where new works are born. These recordings are very recent, were made on 9 February 2010 to February 19, 2010. "Small Works " , a trilogy that will be an approach to the new sounds proposals, which will be seen throughout the year. "Reconstruction Retrospective undeniably as its name suggests, stems from the need to meet again with those melodies that were the pillars of this band a year ago. Far back in time in the first recordings, the work serves both to reconnect with them as well to know what we leave behind. Without another word I leave here the works to be enjoyed. Remember to be comfortable, relaxed and with time to listen.

I Began the year and Dreams Real Preparations begin for Their debut presentation. As always, in preparation for meetings, allow time to carry the recording dig session which undoubtedly is absolutely essential, for reasons of giving shape to new ideas. It is in the preparations where new works are born. These recordings are very recent, were made on 9 February 2010 to February 19, 2010. "Small Works", a trilogy that will be an approach to the new sounds proposals, which will be seen throughout the year. "Retrospective Reconstruction" undeniably as its name suggests, stems from the need to meet again with those melodies that were the pillars of this band a year ago. Far at the time the first recordings, the work serves both to rediscover themselves and also to know what we leave behind. No more words I leave here the works to be enjoyed. Remember to be comfortable, relaxed and with time to listen.

Dreams Real - Small Works

unsweetened tea (02:25)

Safe Creative #1003165763857

Estela Dorada (1:09)

Safe Creative #1003165763833

Seguna Estela (02:04)

Safe Creative #1003165763840

Real Dreams - Reconstruction Retrospective Retrospective Reconstruction


Safe Creative #1003175766701

Manolo Salomone
Vito Laurino

The Studio Multimedia

contact contact Vito