Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Adult Birthday Party Houston Tx


almost five months without posting anything on the blog! has been a period of abandonment involuntary. I promise to fix it or at least not much time to elapse between entries.

hang this picture at the moment that symbolizes this time. I took the April 7, 2007 a picnic at a point between the peoples of Castildelgado and net of the road in the province of Burgos. I suddenly found myself with this surreal still life that seemed almost as suggestive as the names of these two peoples and net Castildelgado the road. more than names, there are people who seem to have nicknames. in fact some are called speck of this or that thing, but that's another story ...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Publix Roastbeef Sub Nutrition

think, I

sometimes absentmindedly walking down the street, walking dog, or just doing some management posts surprise me that the city throws me unexpectedly.

is painted invites me to think, so I got to it: first thought the doll was with a sort of loudspeaker shouting to the world to think. I realized after a second reading is actually smoking a joint. and that is when I have doubts: Is this message associates to register with the fact of thinking? Is it the thought that smokers who encourages me to think? I do not know, maybe if the state think, what I think would be the same thing that I think they feed.

think how can a casual gesture as a spontaneous and graffiti may end up being something aborregante and standardized. in fact if not, can not be justified by the fact that the graffiti is done with a template to identically repeat ad nauseam (Or dirt on the city), or until you run out of paint, come on.

think the widespread standardization of certain gestures and attitudes, causes them to lose the value of spontaneous creativity and what they end up producing for viewers who receive Him as mackerel, is just think, I think.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How Do You Keep A White Coat


suddenly I have a blog. A pulpit for my solo! just imagine, not only because I can only write myself, but because I uploaded encontaré very lonely here talking about what I really just want to talk and not knowing if there will be a reader only interested if only a little, so from here type. for now I'll just write this. I hope that's not just enough to start or that it is only that you type after it got here myself.

this lonely fish ate it myself.

continue ...